Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Dreams comes true

Martin has always dreamed about living in Japan. He has always been watching Anime and is fascinated by the Japanese monster. Recently, when he went to the park to relax at the fountain, he threw a coin into it. Then he felt something strange. Something was ripping him out of his body. He lost consciousness for a moment, and when he regained it he noticed that something was wrong. The scenery was nothing like the park in which he had just been. For this he felt that something was wrong with his body. He looked down and noticed that he was wearing a red dress, knee-highs and red heels. "Co が 起 こ っ た?" - he said, then he noticed that he speaks Japanese, and that he no longer knows English, for some reason he knew that his name is Monoka, he is 23 years old, he works in Tokyo, he also knew where he lived, he knew about fashion, he knew how to walk on high heels, somehow he had memories of the previous owner of this body.
"私 は 財 布 を 買 い た か っ た" ("Ah yes, I was supposed to buy a purse") - she thought and went to the store for a purse.
After returning home she cooked dinner for her husband and kissed him.
"Jak な た の 日 は ど う で し た か?" ("How was your day, darling?") - Her husband asked. "素 晴 ら し い, 私 は 今日 新生 の よ う に 感 じ る" ("Wonderful, I feel like a new born today ") - she answered, smiling. On the same day, the phone rang. When Monoka picked him up, she heard a man's voice. It was her old body. "I am begging you, give me my life, I do not want to live as a 34-year-old. I have no job and no one loves me" said the tearful man. Unfortunately, Monoka did not understand anything because she did not understand English anymore. However, she knew what someone on her old body wanted but she didn't want to give her body back. She loves her husband, she loves being a woman, she finally has a normal job, and her biggest life about living in Japan has come true. "申 し 訳 あ り ま せ ん が, お そ ら く 間 違 い で す" ("I'm sorry, it's probably a mistake") - Monoka answered, then hunged down.

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